【大學英文】考試規則 College English Examination Regulations
實踐大學高雄校區 語言中心 大學英文考試規則
Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus Language Center
College English Examination Regulations
College English Examination Regulations are based on Examination Regulations approved by Academic Affairs Meeting and applied to Mid-term Examinations, Final Examinations, Vocabulary Assessment and English Common Assessment.
All tests and examinations will be held in the first hour of the scheduled class.
Prior to the examination, exam monitors are to write the amount of time which has been allotted for the exam in a place where all of the students can see it. Examinations are to begin and end promptly according to scheduled times. Exams are to begin when all of the students have received their exam papers and answer sheets. Examiners may postpone the beginning of the test by no more than ten minutes in order to complete the test distribution process.
Students must be punctual for all examinations. Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late for any exam are prohibited from participating in the test. These students will receive a score of zero on the exam.
All textbooks, handouts, and notes must be placed in officially designated areas. There should be nothing in, on, under or next to any student’s desk. All isles should remain clear of obstruction, and teachers should have easy access to all isles. Students are allowed to keep stationery materials such as extra pens/pencils and erasers on their desks. It will be considered a violation of exam regulations if students do not remove their textbooks to the appropriate areas.
The listening comprehension component of any test should begin 15 minutes after the exam starts. Teachers should lock the doors to prevent latecomers from interrupting the exam.
There are two ways to deal with interruptions or the broken audio files during listening tests.
- Stop the listening comprehension test. Instructors should then re-boot the Audio player and try to play the question again.
- Contact the Language Center (07)667-8888 ext 3161 and borrow a backup audio file or computer.
Students are allowed to hand in their exam and leave the classroom 30 minutes after the exam starts. They are not allowed to stay in the classroom after they have turned their exams in to their instructors. Students may not leave the classroom until they have handed their exams in. After leaving the classroom, students should be considerate of their classmates who are still working, and not make excessive noise. Students who are disruptive after leaving the classroom will receive reduced scores on their tests. Students who do not submit their tests at the end of the examination period will receive a score of zero. Students who do not hand in their tests at, will also receive a zero.
Students are required to bring their student IDs. Those who do not bring their student IDs will not be allowed to take the exam. Prior to the exam, these students may ask their homeroom teacher or drillmaster to vouch for their identities, in lieu of producing their ID cards.
Prior to the exam, students should check their seats and walls in their vicinity. If there are any notes or hand writing which are related to the exam, students should report to the test monitor. Otherwise, they will be considered cheating.
- 違背考試規定記小過乙次。
- 左顧右盼,交頭接耳者記大過乙次,該科該次考試成績以零分計算。
- 傳遞答案者記大過兩次,該科該次考試成績以零分計算。
- 拒交試卷者或攜帶試卷出場者記大過兩次,該科該次考試成績以零分計算。
- 私帶耳機收聽該次考試科目有關資料者,記大過兩次,該科該次考試成績以零分計算。
- 擅自調位者記大過兩次,該科該次考試成績以零分計算。
- 夾帶者記大過兩次,該科該次考試成績以零分計算。
- 頂替冒考者依其情節輕重勒令退學或定期察看,該科該學期成績以零分計算。
- 事先竊卷預作答案換卷者,勒令退學,該科該學期成績以零分計算。
- 攜帶試卷離場,請人作答,矇混交卷者,勒令退學,該科該學期成績以零分計算。
- 故意破壞考場秩序,致使考試不能進行者,勒令退學,該科該學期成績以零分計算。
Any student who violates these exam regulations will be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
- Students who violate exam regulations will receive a demerit.
- Students who look around at other students’ work or talk to each other will receive a grand demerit with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who pass a “cheat sheet” around will receive two grand demerits with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who fail to hand in their exam paper or who take the exam paper away from the exam venue will receive two grand demerits with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who receive information regarding the test subject via earphones will receive two grand demerits with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who make unauthorized changes of seats will receive two grand demerits with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who bring notes or any related material to the exam venue will receive two grand demerits with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who attempt to use a false identity in order to take an examination for another student will either receive a probationary suspension or be expelled from the university. They will also get no credit for the subject.
- Students who steal the exam paper and write down all the answers prior to the exam, and then exchange the completed answer sheet for the original answer sheet during the exam will be expelled from the university with a score of zero for the subject.
- Students who take the answer sheet away from the exam venue and have someone else supply the answers on their answer sheet; will also be expelled from the university. They will also receive no credit for the class.
- Students who act in a disruptive manner within the exam venue, leading to a suspension of the exam will also be expelled from the university and receive no credit for the class.
語言中心 109/11/20 敬啟